Unfortunately I have injured my shoulder/back somehow and have been unable to air in my office chair, or any chair, in general the past week. Given my desk isn’t a standing desk I have been unable to sit here long enough to accomplish anything before the pain gets too bad and I can’t think about anything else anymore.
It’s now finally starting to get better and I am lucky enough to have an office chair with many adjustments so I can configure it into something that should be able to work now, although not consistently yet as it heals the positing I need to sit in changes since it’s effecting my neck, shoulder, and back. I’ve now managed a couple of hours sitting here the last day.
This is to say there hasn’t been any progress in actual development this week but the plan is still to add Intraday next along with crypto currency. I’m thinking I might also look at rewriting the way the API calls are made and handled as well and once that’s all sorted out I can start working on the charting module next for all the data we are obtaining.
I’m hoping this heals up in the next week or so and I can go back to my usual routine, it’s been annoying to have the time but not be able to utilize it.